my days in SUB ended due to the national service....
p/s: the moments we used to have lunch, we rushing back to punch card, we sing-k after work, our laughters, our sweats throughout the CNY period, our minor conflicts, our birthday celebrations which 3 at once.... it is stil freshly playing in my mind as i recall back those memories.... there's someone here i admire.... she is 6 years elder than me how i fall????? haha..Xp(date: 18/03/2008- 08/05/2008)NS life begun in kem kubena, sipitang, sabah....
i'll never forget....
it's the day i get bald!!!!!Xp
at night, when the lamp firstly flashed on my bald....
and the shadow occured on the floor....
i was like...
wth~! whose head is this????!!!!
(supposedly i will just keep adjusting my hair which spiking up before that with the shadow... freak man~! Xp haha)

The Dewan Makan we used to sleep~ XP
since most of us is from different districts....
we blend easily....
brotherhood were built...
we taking care of each other whoever you are, wherever you from...
the can't-be-avoid quarrel happened too...
i involved myself...
the issue is so sensitive and hence i cannot mention here...
i think i will regret and feel shame of myself as i am a coward that time...
and because of that...
i got more understand of most of them...
and glad you guys are standing on my side that time...
i can feel the warm from the supports that are given...
and yet i feel so cold with the cruelness of the matter of facts...
i'm getting aggressive that's it....
the few days of holiday in the camp during ching-meng...
i had spent my time in lawas...
every moments here...
i feel so miracle....
which can't really explained in words...
but feel will do....

our big family in lawas~ sg. bangat beach(if i'm correct Xp)

take 2~
ching-meng we go picnic.... can you imagine? lols~ =)
try count the people in the photo...
all of us go to the beach in one Toyota Hilux~siao!!!XP
most of us squeeze at the back of the truck...
and you guess what..
while the time we going back...
down pour occured..
the rain drops hitted on our skin is something like stones falling on us!!!!
pain sial!!!~ but fun!!! i never had this craze before!!! Xp haha...

the lawas garden~
the sudden landslide on 25th of april...
caused emergency close for our kem...
all of us being splitted in a night...
we have been sent to few different camps after all...
we all sent back to the peninsula and continue our camp here.....
as others were sent to camps around sabah....
thats the night we torn the most....
the atmosphere is so down...
our dinner suddenly became so tasteless..
everyone is so quiet...
supposedly we have dinner together....
but now seems the table next to us is blank out....
and theres no one..
feels lik losing something that is important...
but yet just cant do anything....
and tears start rolling in the eyes....

they are together no matter where are them....and yet they are separated by the landslide at the time...
the night before leaving...
we'd planned to celebrate one of our friend's birthday earlier than the usual one...
i've been rushing the birthday card under my little torch light and limited sight...
few of us were passing around our note book to wrote down our regards and contact...
perhaps we are not seeing each other anymore... lol...
everyone slept...
the snores is so loud in the dome...
everyone slept...
left me...
i not scared anymore...
but jz unwilling to leave the people here and the place we used to be..
its so sudden and unprepared....
in the afternoon we were hell so happy and enjoy playing football and all the laughters as usual....
really cant imagine...
accept it? forced to!

they are in sabah/sarawak(except the Singh~)...will we meet again? =)

my group in the class-programme

we are in one~

the night before we leave... as our song is playing... we cry like nobody business.... our eyes are red...

our steps... our songs... could you remember?
Alfa-"wi..ra... wi..ra... WATI!...."(we will rock you)
Bravo-"rajawali... rajawali... rasa sayang hei! rasa sayang sayang hei..."
Charlie-"charlie gemiling... o charlie gemilang! hu~ha!!..."Delta.....perhaps the songs are playing yesterday...
we took army flight (c130)...
few of us sent to kem kuala kubu baru(kkb)....
with our heart is still missing each other...
i still remember the scene the girls were crying while being pulled to aside to be sent to different camps...
these are my little time in kkb...

we mandi kolam!!! Xp
(for your info, its probibited...)

i being stuck in the middle! Xp

we hate cantin food!!! this is the cafe for us.. haha
thanks for you guys for look after me and guide me as i am new here....
though time we spend together is short...
but its so much fun!
happy to know you guys!!!
you guys is great in table tennis!
i'd enjoy the game...
especially you! nicholas!!! terengganu boy!!!
'pop'~ times like fly.....
8th of may....
i'd backed with bald...
and darker skin!!!!
even my mom also cant recognize me!!! sei mou....Xp
(date:01/06/2008- 08/2008)i backed to SUB to visit my "old" colleages....
most of them left....
and my two ex-supervisors are goin to work with levi's pavilion...
they offer me to work with them since my sem start on september...
1st of june...
its the day...
i get contact with the levi's strauss...
and i handle evrything from the selling floor to the counter...
and thanks my suprevisor given me such a chance....
i really gain alot...
from zero to 90%...
again this company is really stingy in paying....
sumore likes to cut your salary!!!
the first month i had been cut away 500 bks!!! wth...
anyway i had made friends here too!but its sad that 1 of them misunderstood me...
lol~ tried but cant help it...
i enjoyed serving good customers!!! Xp
anyone of you looking for levis jeans remember tell me i can promote you...XP haha..

Lis, Anderson, Nelson, me at the below...XP
-treat ones with sincere heart, you'll be replied with a smile-
*street wear bible * donuts *Maison *red-box *we "snake" XP haha..
P/S: i left this company in the early august with the reason of further my study...infact the main reason is i cant cope with the stupid rules that given by the 36 is having big prob in handle its man-power...lols~what i can say was...the company won't appreciate its worker...every benefits goes to the upper department after the position of manager...(date: 03/09/2008)followed by my first semester of college's life...
and here i got into another friendship....
compare to the previous years....
2008 is such a full-filled one...
and yet it caused me emotional unstable...
sometimes really confused...
and yet stil can cope with it...
and i understand...
our life cant be colourful without sadness and happiness either one....
i'm learning to accept things...
and appreciate...
i'm glad i met everyone of you! you guys made my year!!! Xp