Friday, April 24, 2009


Part 1~
does anyone have any idea whats telemarketing do?

For me:
These are the verbs from my conclusion.

sit at your desk....
read your dialogue....
read the details of the one you're going to call....
pick up the phone and call....
greet him/her....
ask for the person you want to reach....
wish before you say bye...

if register, no doubt, register....
if mistaken with words, say sorry & laugh...
if meet up someone with alien's slangs or words, laugh (but not out & loud), pretend that you understand and skip to the next (any better suggestion? Xp)....
if you hear : "no no dunwan dunwan (kap...Tutttt~)", "sorry, wrong number (kap.... tutt~)"
i scold KANASAI! (whisper ofcourse)

these are the conversations i carry out throughout the office hours.

Part 2~
It's the 3rd day i work if i not mistaken....
but it's pretty sure is during our lunch time....
we went to "MAKAN place" that situated at the lowest floor in MV.....
da bao our food respectively and brought back to office....
we opened up our food happily in the middle of our craps~
and when i swallowed half spoon of my rice....
my eyes getting focus on the other end of my spoon....
you guess what i see....
SIU KEONG!!!!!!! (a type of calling cockrouch in cantonese..)

"kanasai....siu keong in my spoon...."

i spelled them out kinda loud..Xp
then all those "8-po"s ran here and started to examine my rice....
mean time...
i already bungkus-ed them (spoon and siu keong) and send to the sampah tong....

"where?" 8-po
"already thrown."
i answered then continue eating without spoon...

"yer.... you still eat ar?" she asked again...
"ya... no choice la... hungry...."
.... conversation stopped....

and yea...
not to forget one question been asked too....

Q-"where you bought that (food)? food court ar?...."
A-"Kanasai's food from Kanasai's place(makan place).... "

since that....
"Makan Place" had became "Kanasai Place"

P/S: i have no idea whats the point i'm shooting to but just tend to blog it out....

-HaPpY wOrKiNg AlL~ =)
-AlL tHe BeSt FoR ThOsE hAvInG eXams
-HaPpY hOlIdAy FoR tHoSe HaViNg HoLiDaY
-EnJoY sTuDy!

"you know who you are."

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