Part 1~
does anyone have any idea whats telemarketing do?
For me:
These are the verbs from my conclusion.
sit at your desk....
read your dialogue....
read the details of the one you're going to call....
pick up the phone and call....
greet him/her....
ask for the person you want to reach....
wish before you say bye...
if register, no doubt, register....
if mistaken with words, say sorry & laugh...
if meet up someone with alien's slangs or words, laugh (but not out & loud), pretend that you understand and skip to the next (any better suggestion? Xp)....
if you hear : "no no dunwan dunwan (kap...Tutttt~)", "sorry, wrong number (kap.... tutt~)"
i scold KANASAI! (whisper ofcourse)
these are the conversations i carry out throughout the office hours.
Part 2~
It's the 3rd day i work if i not mistaken....
but it's pretty sure is during our lunch time....
we went to "MAKAN place" that situated at the lowest floor in MV.....
da bao our food respectively and brought back to office....
we opened up our food happily in the middle of our craps~
and when i swallowed half spoon of my rice....
my eyes getting focus on the other end of my spoon....
you guess what i see....
SIU KEONG!!!!!!! (a type of calling cockrouch in cantonese..)
"kanasai....siu keong in my spoon...."
i spelled them out kinda loud..Xp
then all those "8-po"s ran here and started to examine my rice....
mean time...
i already bungkus-ed them (spoon and siu keong) and send to the sampah tong....
"where?" 8-po asked....
"already thrown." i answered then continue eating without spoon...
"yer.... you still eat ar?" she asked again...
"ya... no choice la... hungry...."
.... conversation stopped....
and yea...
not to forget one question been asked too....
Q-"where you bought that (food)? food court ar?...."
A-"Kanasai's food from Kanasai's place(makan place).... "
since that....
"Makan Place" had became "Kanasai Place"
P/S: i have no idea whats the point i'm shooting to but just tend to blog it out....
-HaPpY wOrKiNg AlL~ =)
-AlL tHe BeSt FoR ThOsE hAvInG eXams
-HaPpY hOlIdAy FoR tHoSe HaViNg HoLiDaY
-EnJoY sTuDy!
"you know who you are."
Friday, April 24, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
ADS by me Xp!
The Ads achievement for my language and communication class....
and ofcourse presentation is needed! but i don't have any record about it!!!! lol...
lets see what i have....
Presentation 1: -prepare an ads with only "Drink A/An ________" based on AIDA principle.
Note: involve more words, this is a LCS class, not advertising class...(from the lecturer)
These are the result of my first presentation....
i had been too concentrate on the ads and i'd totally forget to prepare the presentation....
i failed on the presentation part...
Presentation 2: Celebrity endorsement/ sex appeal based on Helen Resor copywriting style.
i have chosen Leah Dizon! hot sia~( my opinion la....Xp)
The presentation version
This is the impressive photograph that i found when i was doing the research of China... The Art work of the mother of nature.
and ofcourse presentation is needed! but i don't have any record about it!!!! lol...
lets see what i have....
Presentation 1: -prepare an ads with only "Drink A/An ________" based on AIDA principle.
Note: involve more words, this is a LCS class, not advertising class...(from the lecturer)
These are the result of my first presentation....
i had been too concentrate on the ads and i'd totally forget to prepare the presentation....
i failed on the presentation part...
Presentation 2: Celebrity endorsement/ sex appeal based on Helen Resor copywriting style.
i have chosen Leah Dizon! hot sia~( my opinion la....Xp)

You know what... the lecturer said it is too wordy!!!! kanasai one lo.... he is the one ask for more words... then turned up he told me that just only the words "Try ME" will do....=.=
It's over....

Overall was kinda satisfied but just kanasai with HIS up and down.... a "gayified" and sissy lecturer that i ever seen....
Presentation 3 (final): prepare 20(+/-) slides and few ads based on tourism.
>>China, Beijing as the main spot and a little about other hot spot in China...
Celebrate CNY in China, the atmosphere that you might not want to miss! Xp
Enjoy the unique shows held in the Opera House in Beijing.
Walk into the history through the Great Wall of China.
Taste the imperial food in China.
Explore the silk road in China.
Basically the ads utilized the simple verbs as the headlines to appeal readers to take action. The small paragraph underneath as the description of the place. The Logo at the right bottom is for the image for retention so that the readers could remember. Last but not least the supporting web-site is to urge the readers to take action. As for the reason why i have minimized the length of words into just a simple verb, it is to emphasize on the beauty of China.
Finally, he nodded his head with the words "well done".

Guilin, The place where famous poets born & visited....
Presentation 3 (final): prepare 20(+/-) slides and few ads based on tourism.
>>China, Beijing as the main spot and a little about other hot spot in China...

Basically the ads utilized the simple verbs as the headlines to appeal readers to take action. The small paragraph underneath as the description of the place. The Logo at the right bottom is for the image for retention so that the readers could remember. Last but not least the supporting web-site is to urge the readers to take action. As for the reason why i have minimized the length of words into just a simple verb, it is to emphasize on the beauty of China.
Finally, he nodded his head with the words "well done".
P/S: Now i understand. Not to do exactly what you think it is the best but do what is the lecturer thinks it is the best. Thanks for peoples that guided me along, you know who you are.

Guilin, The place where famous poets born & visited....
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Papers + ideas + hard works = ?
Since there is an impact on my first sem final presentation...
which i don't wish to reveal it again....
and i'd been suspecting myself on my ability in doing any presentation since...
hence i'm examing myself a presentation after a presentation....
no doubt...
its been so nervous for me on the final group presentation for my second sem...
lets the photo tell the story...
Intro: We have been given a task to choose an occupation and work by the week achievements.
we have chosen Scuba diver as the occupation and seashell's house as the concept.....
Everything starts with just a piece of butter paper.....
Then followed by just a piece of mounting board.....
Then our ideas and hardwork injected into both papers... structure starts to form...
The kitchen area is the first space we done during the earlier stage....
Then the toilet....
when the foundation is done, here comes the second level....
And when the house is ready, the colours came (the kitchen)
The hanging staircase around the aquarium...
Ground Floor.
First Floor.
The finishing of the house after all...
Our presentation board when it is closed....
When it is opened...
We made it! lecturer and judges happy with it! =)
The group and the house. Take 1...
Take 2.... lol Xp
which i don't wish to reveal it again....
and i'd been suspecting myself on my ability in doing any presentation since...
hence i'm examing myself a presentation after a presentation....
no doubt...
its been so nervous for me on the final group presentation for my second sem...
lets the photo tell the story...
Intro: We have been given a task to choose an occupation and work by the week achievements.
we have chosen Scuba diver as the occupation and seashell's house as the concept.....
Not to forget our hard works...
and the time we'd went through....
though there's a little conflict in the middle of the group work....
it made me feel more treasure and ya...
you guys had brought me up!
Thank you all!
"the beauty of work is depends on your angle of view."
P/S: i might not satisfied if it is a individual work. As for a team or group, it is excellent!
and the time we'd went through....
though there's a little conflict in the middle of the group work....
it made me feel more treasure and ya...
you guys had brought me up!
Thank you all!
"the beauty of work is depends on your angle of view."
P/S: i might not satisfied if it is a individual work. As for a team or group, it is excellent!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
What makes you feel you are always right?
as for me...
it is only a word...
when you are confident with the things that you've done...
you will feel always right....
i'm sometimes wonder why...
many of us feel wrong for most of the things....
and started or tried to accept what is suggested by the confidence one....
i will always feel i'm wrong...
when i've no confidence when doing something...
and i hate doing it...
but sometimes...
i have no choice but doing it....
cause i care bout YOUR feeling...
after all i will just feel so stupid...
when you treat me like fools...
it tells me....
how much you care about your friends around....
and ya...
you are just so fake....
laugh for no reasons....
but just tend to create attention....
and you are on your own...
friends mean nothing to you...
and you feel you are everything....
i'm just so pity them...
they look stupid when they are with you...
it is just so sick when you are enjoying all those....
you are worry....
you are scare....
you are sensitive....
cause you are avoiding every single fact...
and afraid it will be revealed one day....
aren't you suffering?
you deserve what you do...
so don't blame others when it happened...
think about it...
it is only a word...
when you are confident with the things that you've done...
you will feel always right....
i'm sometimes wonder why...
many of us feel wrong for most of the things....
and started or tried to accept what is suggested by the confidence one....
i will always feel i'm wrong...
when i've no confidence when doing something...
and i hate doing it...
but sometimes...
i have no choice but doing it....
cause i care bout YOUR feeling...
after all i will just feel so stupid...
when you treat me like fools...
it tells me....
how much you care about your friends around....
and ya...
you are just so fake....
laugh for no reasons....
but just tend to create attention....
and you are on your own...
friends mean nothing to you...
and you feel you are everything....
i'm just so pity them...
they look stupid when they are with you...
it is just so sick when you are enjoying all those....
you are worry....
you are scare....
you are sensitive....
cause you are avoiding every single fact...
and afraid it will be revealed one day....
aren't you suffering?
you deserve what you do...
so don't blame others when it happened...
think about it...
it's been a week of sleepless nights....
and just 1-2 hours of sleep....
days are stressed and getting more critical when dateline is getting near...
at first i was wondering will it be done by the dateline?
cause it's been dragged for quite sometimes...
and i just have no mood of doing it...
when i'm down...
ideas will be bad...
i'm not working any of them out...
so i chose to leave it aside...
these few weeks i'm alone in the "nest" that i rent since the day i started my college life here...
since my housemates all been headed back to hometown to enjoy their holidays...
and when i'm alone...
i'm facing myself for longer time....
and i started to think...
sometimes i hate it...
and irritated by it...
cause i have no one to talk to!!!!
except walls...
the only thing tat enable me to contact with outside world is only my laptop!!!
since i have not much credit on phone...
some more it is having message delayed problem...
i prefer face-to-face....
rather then just chat through msn...
cause i'm not so good to express myself through words...
as time goes by...
i'm getting used to it...
and i'm getting silence....
BUT i'm getting to be more understand myself....
and these days....
i'm testing out myself....
how far i can go...
and how high i can fly...
and what are my weaknesses....
thanks for what i've been given to....
and just 1-2 hours of sleep....
days are stressed and getting more critical when dateline is getting near...
at first i was wondering will it be done by the dateline?
cause it's been dragged for quite sometimes...
and i just have no mood of doing it...
when i'm down...
ideas will be bad...
i'm not working any of them out...
so i chose to leave it aside...
these few weeks i'm alone in the "nest" that i rent since the day i started my college life here...
since my housemates all been headed back to hometown to enjoy their holidays...
and when i'm alone...
i'm facing myself for longer time....
and i started to think...
sometimes i hate it...
and irritated by it...
cause i have no one to talk to!!!!
except walls...
the only thing tat enable me to contact with outside world is only my laptop!!!
since i have not much credit on phone...
some more it is having message delayed problem...
i prefer face-to-face....
rather then just chat through msn...
cause i'm not so good to express myself through words...
as time goes by...
i'm getting used to it...
and i'm getting silence....
BUT i'm getting to be more understand myself....
and these days....
i'm testing out myself....
how far i can go...
and how high i can fly...
and what are my weaknesses....
thanks for what i've been given to....
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