macy class cancelled!!!
thought wana present IT today....
since she said she is sick....
and hence postponed to next monday lo...
so next monday...
is the day^
anyway i really disappointed la..
cause been busy for past few weeks and extremely sleepless for pass few days....
its all for today....
now was like...
abit potong steam
but its good also la...
to let us to be more prepared..=)
so our plan B was.......
go damansara to watch THE QUONTUM OF SOLACE!!!
(Aaron'd been waited for long...hee good for you^)

this is the latest 007 ~
everyone was so excited...
after technical drawing class...
its around 3 something....
we proceed to damansara...
in two group....
guys is with andy...
(ferri, aaron and me)
girls is with kate...
(stella, katherine)
we were speeding all the way...
(in andy's car)
guess what..
i heard noises of HONS from the back.....
but i'm still don't know what happened...
until aaron said..
"Oh Shit... i think kate got in the minor accident..."

so we decided to head back the incident place....
we turned a big round to get back there...
since its kind of highway lol....
he called kate...
what we knew from that was....
she crying...
was really worry la...
about few minutes...
we reached them...
and the car of those car dragger...
with walky-talky along reached even more earlier then us!!!
can you imagine how efficient they are?
( something do with $$ leh....)
we are on the way to damansara in LDP(Damansara-Puchong)...
its opposite road-side of wisma sawit....
besides the majlis of bandaraya kelana jaya( a big~ garden...)
no doubt the front of the kate's car got minor crashed...
and ya...
its involved 3 cars!!!!!
(she is the last one while malay woman kancil is sandwiched in the middle and led by a chinese guy vios...)
kate's Myvi
the minor injured vious....
the little sanwiched kancil~front
back....since she is jz got her "P"....
you understand that feeling?
i was like don't know what can do..
helpless la...
since i'm not experiance in it...
(and doesn't hope to!XP)
glad andy is here....
thanz lot lo^
(credit to him...)
the incident i'm not really clear...
from what i heard...
the kancil is from the juntion and turning out before kate...
and suddenly she pressed the break paddle ( something do with E-brake....) after she came to the main road...
and no doubt....
she kissed the butt of HER kancil...
and SHE kissed the vious infront~
sandwich lo~
so whose fault now?
paham paham la....
at first the malay woman was so frustrated....
(it can be seen from her look la...)
and tend to report only....
(since she is not happy with something lol...)
seems like not cooperate at all...
since kate called her friends...
and they are on the way...
she also called her 2 brethen.....
(really looks alike- plum & round~)
( wana fight...haa...actually didn't la...just want to discuss nia...just simple^)
the chinese guy is so kind...
he is like...
anything just up to us...
just we have to deal with the malay woman...
& was drizzling....
we was waiting under rain for while....
and i still remember the convo between andy and katherine...
Andy: Malaysian is so corrupted but its fun sometimes... (so no worries about the
katherine: ...( stunted and burst in laughs.....since there is a english speaking malay was at the back....hope you get what i mean...Xp)
its about almost 5....
everything ended up with report at police station...
(hope everything is gona to be alright....=))
relief when saw kate's parents was not scolding her...
i can feel that warm...
To kate: theres no one is built to be perfect and theres no one who does not make any sometimes can say its fate one hope to have accident pain no time really have to be alert lo...but not take it as a impact...i think your parents is so understanding...they also don't want to see you cry la.. its really sour to see that... cause they love you...take a deep breath and have a good rest ba..don't think so much ya since the result also don't know yet..don't try go and guess and make yourself depressed..and doesn't help..and it takes time la...+ OIL LO!^
after she went back....
we all squized in andy's car....
and katherine...
sat infront...
why her???
you know i know la...XP
we went to have indonesian food at AYAM PENYET...

did anyone heard bout it?
if i not mistaken it is quite famous in indonesia....
its EXTREMELY SPICY but yet its so TASTY!!!
( wiping my saliva that dropped on keyboard now...haha can you imagine???)
really satisfying lunch+breakfast for me..
don't know others haha....
we went sunway pyramid to continue with plan C.....
( watch the QUONTUM OF SOLACE at sunway pyramid...)
while we going up to the car park...
which is on the slanting area....
andy suddenly stopped his car at the side while we chatted about something do with WEIGHT....
and released the break and hence its rolling down....
he said: " see? because of YOU la.... if not this car can go up very smooth but not reverse...."
everyone in the car was laugh like hell...
(but the OBJECT was really speechless la...XP)
we have a random walk before the movie start at 6.15 pm...
pity katherine was in her high-hills...
(thought today presentation so she wore it...sobs~)
then we went A&W just for our root-bear with float....
its 6.15!!!!!!
starting was really excited until the voice of us can be heard by everyone in the cinema...XP
you know what....
i nearly fell asleep twice....
( for your info..i nearly fell asleep once in the casino theres a development i guess)
i was so disappointed with the story-line...
but just tend to see what they have in the new gadgets of Bond....
to someone: its something like combo for you today...we just be so annoyed to you maybe...and from deep in our sincere heart i can say we really doesnt mean of every word that really hurt you...just try fooling around nia...Xp hope you really don't mind.. and i know you won't! cause you're really kind....and hence we like you very much seriously..^ smile
P/S: mood was so unstable today....suddenly full of disappointment and suddenly full of joy...after have a bath here just feeling like flat mood... something like +posi- + -nega- = zero...haha...nyway thanz andy for sending me home until under the block... and thanks for the two SMART security guard~ XP
Is Quantum of Solace that bad?Awwwwwwwwwwwwww....... I was looking forward to it. In fact, one of my friends booked 32 tickets for the class!
My friend had an accident with a lorry the other day. Really glad she's okay...and i'm gonna be so much more careful....
Madagascar 2 is pretty good! I went for the premiers! No turtles though, too bad XD
Oo neway la...
mayb cause im too tired o wad la...
i realy fell slept!lol Xp
anythg la...
jz d driver ok nia...
nth is important den tat ^
yaa... we all hv to extra careful den...
since i can see most of the car around today is "imperfect~"
if u watch madagasacr count me in k?!!!!
XP then there'll b turtle for u..XP
no nid so disappointed hehe..
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